" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
Emily's Page




One of Emily's main issues with the attention thing seems to be forgetfulness/disorganization.

Her memory is excellent when it comes to something that happened years ago, but when it comes to remembering day to day things, such as bringing her work and notices home from school, it's not so good.

For example today she came home with a notice saying that all fundraiser money had to be turned in by February 4.

I had no idea what the notice was talking about because she never brought the fundraiser stuff home.

I asked her about it and she said that she remembered getting it but has no idea what she did with it.

This kind of thing wouldn't be a big deal if it happened only a few times, but it happens at least a couple of times a week.

I am constantly reminding her that she needs to get organized and bring her information/papers home. She has come home at some points with tons and tons of papers, including homework from weeks ago.

I am thinking of trying some sort of rewards system to perhaps motivate her to do what she needs to but man, is this aggravating.

If anyone out there has any thoughts on what I could do here, please oh please share! Also, on a completely unrelated note, Ryun's MRI is scheduled for February 7.

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