" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
Emily's Page


More On The Genetic Thing...

The doctor called Friday to answer my questions regarding Emily.

Mostly, the news is good so yay!

Emily has what she has and will not get any worse. Seizures, problems with attention, and behavorial type issues are it. I mean, that certainly is enough but it sure could be a lot worse. She will not need any further testing either.

The doctor sees no reason to test Katherine or Julia, unless something comes up with either of them. Since Ryun and I show no symptoms of TS, he feels that Emily's mutuation was a "freak" thing and not passed on from one or both of us.

The only bad news that, was actually evident before I even talked to him, was that she will pass this on to her own children, should she one day choose to have them. This isn't great news but, on the bright side of things, she can't pass anything worse than what she herself has.

So anyway, it is nice to finally have some answers and a reason behind her abnormal MRI...and just a reason for all of this.

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