" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
Emily's Page



Finally (after 3 months of waiting) we have the results of Emily's genetic testing.

She does in fact have a genetic mutation is the TSC2 gene. The doctor, in an attempt to put it in "regular people" talk said to imagine a sentence consisting of three words. One of her words is missing.

She is an incomplete sentence.


So of course, I hung up with him and thought of the following questions.

Will she get worse or are seizures and attention difficulties all we will ever have to deal with?

Should my other children be tested even though they show no signs (Emily didn't either til she turned 7)?

Will she pass this on to her own children?

Will Emily need any further testing?

I called him back and am waiting to hear.

if you would like to read more about TS, click here.

And that's all I have to say.

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