" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
Emily's Page


Medicine Change?

The doctor finally called back regarding Emily's vision problems. Of course(because really, why should any of this just be easy) this could be a legitimate problem in regard to her medicine. More common side effects of taking Lamictal may include:
Blurred vision, dizziness, double vision, headache, nausea, rash, sleepiness, uncoordinated movements, and vomiting.

So far she has experienced: blurred vision, double vision, nausea and possibly vomiting.


So she has to have her levels done, whiich means a trip to the lab for bloodwork and probably a few days of a wait before we find out if her levels are too high, hence all of the problems.

I am pretty sure this will again mean a medicine change for the following reasons:

1. She is on the lowest possible dose of the medicine for her weight already.

2. When we changed her from the Depakote to the Lamictal, it was a gradual process. She takes 4 a day now(two in the morning two at night) but during the transition, when she was only taking 3, she had a seiuzure.

I know this is still a fairly new thing and that she was only diagnosed in July but it seems already to be never ending. I mean she will most likely have the potentional for seizures for the rest of her life but I just hope that some day we get to a point where her medicines work(and stay working) and her attention issues are "under control".

It's just so frustrating to be going along so well and then out of the blue...a set back of sorts strikes.

I keep thinking that maybe I should get her into some counseling. I mean, I have been a rock, at least outwardly, but my insides just get all twisted whenever something comes up regarding her treatment etc. Tears have come to my eyes at various points, and I did eventually have a good cry about a week back(something that happened with her which I won't get into here triggered the cry and it wasn't a huge deal but the culmination of everything just brought it all to the forefront). I just wonder how she deals with it. Does she understand everything? Does it frighten her? She isn't very expressive when it comes to talking about any of this (just a question here and there every once in a while). I don't want her to worry or be scared etc. but on the other hand I want her to feel like she can talk about it if she wants to.

On a slightly brighter note, I got the letter from Dr.C requesting that Em be evaluated for a 504 plan. YAY!

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