" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
Emily's Page


Glasses I Hope

Emily's bloodwork has come in and is in the normal range. The doctor has recommended that she see an eye doctor, so we are going to Lenscrafters (where there is an eye doctor's office within) tomorrow night. Our vision plan is set up so that if we go to Lenscrafters, we get a new lens and frames every year at no cost. Not bad, eh?

I am hoping that this resolves the headaches, vision problems, and nausea. Please oh please let her need glasses.

If it doesn't (relsove it that is) I am pretty sure that she will need a repeat MRI and since they still have no idea what is wrong with her original abnormal MRI, it would lead me to believe that whatever the heck it is could be some kind of progressive thing.

So please, please, please, pray for glasses, okay?

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