" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
Emily's Page


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At the last minute, Emily decided that she really, really wanted to try to go to school today, so I let her. She didn't have a fever, and wasn't contagious anymore. I explained that I didn't have a car and told Emily that if she wanted to go it was fine, but to only go to the nurse if she was so sick that she couldn't possibly make it through the day.

Surely, you know where I am going with this.

At 9:30, seconds after the Verizon guy left upon fixing my phone, it rang.

"Town Of Middleboro" read the caller id.

It was Carolyn (yeah I am pretty much on a first name basis with the school nurse). Emily was there, not feeling well and could I come get her.

I called Mom, who left work in Carver, got Emily and brought her to me.

I have decided that unless she is 100% better, the absolute picture of health, she will be home with me tomorrow.

She never, ever used to get sick. Then this summer happened and she was diagnosed with epilepsy. Since then she has had two serious ear infections, strep throat and gotten glasses. Don't ask me what the relationship between being sick and her being diagnosed is but I am telling you there is one.

Has her immune system been somehow weakened? Is the "thing that is different about her brain that they can't explain and have never even seen before" causing illness aside from the seizures?

Just what the heck is going on?

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